Pada era digital seperti sekarang ini, informasi sangat mudah didapatkan, tetapi kadang-kadang sulit untuk menentukan sumber informasi yang akurat, valid dan reliabel. Hal ini membuat banyak orang merasa "tersesat" di tengah-tengah banjir informasi yang terus meningkat. Oleh karena itu, UMN Library bekerjasama dengan KOMPAS mengadakan kegiatan menarik berjudul "Seminar Literasi Digital: Labirin Informasi, Tersesat atau Melesat?" yang bertujuan membantu para peserta dalam mengolah dan menentukan informasi di era digital.
Kegiatan seminar ini diadakan pada hari Selasa, 1 November 2022, mulai pukul 09.00 hingga 11.00 WIB, bertempat di Lecture Theatre, P.K Ojong Gedung D Lantai 1 UMN. Seluruh sivitas akademika UMN, baik mahasiswa, dosen atau staf, dapat menghadiri kegiatan ini.
UMN Library and KOMPAS have collaborated to present an exciting event titled "Seminar on Digital Literacy: Navigating the Maze of Information, Lost or Found?" This event is aimed at helping participants to determine valid, accurate, and reliable sources of information, which can be challenging in the current surge of information.
The event invites all UMN academic communities, including students, lecturers, and staff, to attend the seminar. The event features prominent speakers, including Dr. Ninok Leksono, the Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, and Sutta Dharmasaputra, the Editor-in-Chief of Harian Kompas.
In addition, Kompas's millennial speakers, such as Yoseph Wilhelmus, Ratna Sri Widyastuti, and Tiffany Syifakarnia, will also participate in the discussion. They will talk about post-truth, hoaxes, and the challenges of finding accurate information in the current "flood" of information, as well as discuss the ecosystems and features available to find the necessary information.
The event held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, from 09.00 to 11.00 AM WIB at the Lecture Theatre, P.K Ojong Gedung D Lantai 1 UMN. The attendees of this exciting event will receive a free 12-month subscription to Additionally, UMN students who participate in the seminar will receive SKKM points and e-certificates.
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