UMN Libtalk: From Creative Idea to Creative Content

Posted on : April-19-2021
Category  : Virtual, Talkshow, Content, Creative




Friday, January 29th, 2021, UMN Library held a talk show, namely "UMN Libtalk: From Creative Idea to Creative Content". This activity is held virtually through the Zoom platform. The speaker invited for this talk show was a UMN Alumni of the Communication Science study program, Sintia Astarina. Sintia is a Blogger & Content Creator who often creates content about books and other interesting things.

The UMN LibTalk activity was attended by 142 participants consisting of UMN students and general participants. Orisa Mahardhini as the Head of the Library gave a speech to open the event. After that, the event was hosted by Cindy Jonathan.

Sintia began to explain her presentation, starting with her experiences during her study at UMN. Next, she began to elucidate how to cultivate existing content ideas by conceptualizing these ideas and then processing them. Sintia's blog and social media content are primarily about books. She usually reviews books that she likes, therefore she tries to read the book first.

The participants are also always actively asking questions in the Zoom chat room, which makes this talk show feel alive because of the two-way interaction. Many participants were interested in how to implement an idea into content even though got a lot of ideas in the back of their minds, they felt hampered. The explanation session lasted 60 minutes.

In the next session, namely the Q&A session, the MC invited the three questionnaires to switch on cameras and open the mic so they could ask questions or discuss directly with the speaker and MC. Aditya asked about "Is it necessary in creating content we have to be ourselves or can we be what our audience wants us to be". Valent asked about “Content that is viral but only lasts a short time. In that sense, people just follow suit and when it is no longer viral it is not continued/developed”. And there was also a question from Michelle, "Opinion on content that is no longer original". The 10 minutes Q&A session was smooth sailing.

For the next session, there was a workshop session, where the participants are invited to make content that is as interesting as possible. The content had to be uploaded via IG Story and tagged to the @umnlibrary and @sintiawithbooks accounts. Sintia picked three accounts to be evaluated. There were three lucky people, namely the Instagram account @nobitadit_, @gracielanathalie, and @valent_krisly. The three selected people received attractive prizes for being active in creating the content.




As a closing session, Sintia explained that in content creation, the participants were advised not to think about other things, such as whether our content would attract other people's interests or fail to grab people's attention. For her, the most important thing is to make many contents first. By holding this activity, it is hoped that students will understand how to create content, starting from the idea to the result of the content.

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